Q: What is the EDGE Mentoring Program?

A virtual network of Christian leaders from business, ministry, non-profit, education, and other fields who are paired with a called and committed godly Mentor who equips them to "sharpen" their personal and leadership edge.


Q: Who participates as an EDGE Mentoring Member?

"High Capacity" Emerging Christian leaders who are serious about sharpening their "edge" in all areas of their life and leadership.
They understand that real life change occurs within the context of community.
They know that they cannot "go it alone" if they really want to succeed and grow to the next level.
They are willing to invest a few hours each month-  in themselves, and in others.
They understand the value of learning from an older, more experienced Christian leader who is willing to build into thier lives.

Q: Who participates as an EDGE Mentor?

A seasoned, called, and committed godly Christian leader who wants to apply the Biblical principle of investing in the next generation as found in 2 Timothy 2:2.
They know that real life change occurs within the context of community.
They understand the importance of keeping their own personal edge sharp- and that a great way to do so is by building relationships with the next generation of leaders.
They are willing to take a few hours each month to invest in themselves, and in others.
They want an opportunity to "give back" much of what they have been given in life.
They are serious about establishing their "legacy" by passing along what they have learned and experienced.

Q: What is covered in each EDGE Mentoring call?

Each EDGE Mentoring call is comprised of several key elements:
Content/Curriculum - Participants view a brief video module on a wide variety of issues and topics designed to help participants grow personally, professionally and spiritually, while integrating their faith and Biblical principles and practices into all areas of life.
Assignments - Members complete homework to help them prepare for discussions on the content/curriculum at each call.

Open Discussion Forums- Members are given the opportunity to present their current critical professional, spiritual, and/or personal problems, challenges and opportunities to the group to gain godly insight, wisdom, encouragement, counsel and accountability.

Accountability & Goal Setting- Members write down and share their top goals and commitments. They also give account to the group on their progress in these areas. Because we are serious about accountability,each group may adopt a  "penalties" or "fines" system to be assessed when goals and commitments are not met.


** Additionally, EDGE Mentoring groups meet face to face up to 2 times per year for a rereat/conference at a location agreed upon by the group.


Q: Who develops the content and curriculum for EDGE Mentoring?

Truth@Work has developed much of the content and curriculum for the EDGE Mentoring Program. In addition, other leading business experts and consultants in a wide variety of disciplines and expertise help to develop materials.


Q: How long has the program existed?

Since 2007


Q: What is the EDGE Mentoring Content Portal?

It is an online digital delivery system developed by Truth@Work.
The Content Portal contains several key elements that offer value to EDGE Mentoring participants:
  • Dozens of video teaching/training modules facing today's emerging Christian leaders including such issues as: professional performance and development, leadership, personal purity, integrity, life purpose, life calling, spiritual growth, integration of biblical principles in business, case studies, moving testimonials from several Christian leaders, and much more.
  • Podcasts of presentations on a wide variety of issues facing today's Christian business leaders.
  • Membership Directory to connect EDGE Members with Christian business owners and marketplace leaders from across the country.
  • A Community Forum is available that allows Christian leaders from across the country to connect in meaningful interactive discussion forums, they can discuss and give counsel on personal, professional, and spiritual issues.
  • An E-Countability® Section that allows participants to electronically record and track progress of their personal, spiritual, and professional goals and commitments.
  • "Scorecards" also present participants with tracking systems to show percentages of goals hit, along with the tracking of growth in their personal, professional, and spiritual lives. 

Q: How is this program different from other "small group" programs in a church or area?

It is a true "peer group" for emerging young "high capacity" Christian leaders in a wide variety of fields from across the country who have applied for participaton and met a specific criteria of membership.

The model provides true "ROI" in terms of personal and professional improvements for participants.

The content and model is designed for real application in the "real world" of business and today's marketplace.

It is a Christ-centered, Biblically principled personal and professional development and growth program, not a "Bible Study" or standard "small group" program.
It leverages some of the most "cutting edge" leadership development materials on the market today.

It provides young leaders the chance to build relationship with godly and seasoned mentors.


Q: What does it cost to participate?

The investment to participate is $500 per year. This annual fee covers all costs of participation, includng materials, books, and registration to an annual EDGE Mentoring National Conference.  Scholarship funds are available and may be applied for.
In order to offer the program at such an incredibly low cost, EDGE Mentoring is subsidized by donors who believe in and understand the importance and value of the model.
Approximately 2/3 of the cost of the program is paid for thru the generous gifts of our donors.


Q: Why is there a cost to participate when other things I have seen are free?

There are several reasons there is a cost to participate in EDGE Mentoring, including but not limited to:
First, EDGE Mentoring provides tremendous value to its Members. When compared with other "secular" training, coaching, and professional development programs, it is "pennies on the dollar" in terms of its real value in the marketplace.
Every EDGE Mentoring call presents innovative content paired with discussions that help our Members grow in thier leadership skill sets. The program provides real business value that is worth much more than it costs to participate. Consider what it would cost to regularly gather a group of advisors, experts, Mentors, and consultants to help you process real business and personal issues. That alone could cost hundreds or thousands of dollars per month. By providing our Members with a "Christian Board of Advisors," the value of participation is tremendous.

Additionally, EDGE has invested tens of thousands in developing its online content and delivery portal, and charges a  fee structure in order to help meet its operational costs, so that EDGE can continue to offer the high quality products, programs, and services that are so critical to the program's success.

It may be helpful to think about the monthly fees along the lines of paying tuition for education at a Christian college or university, but in this case, it is for participating in a Christ-centered, Biblically principled personal and professional development program.

Many ministries focus a large percentage of their time on raising funds for ongoing operational sustainability. By having a fee structure attached to its programs, EDGE Mentoring is able to maintain focus on the personal relationships with our participating Members.
 EDGE invests considerable funds to continually grow the program and offer it to an ever increasing network of emerging leaders.
Only emerging leaders who are serious about their are invited to participate in EDGE- and one way to demonstrate a commitment to sharpening the personal and professional edge is by financially investing in doing so.

Q: What are the terms to participate in EDGE Mentoring?

It is critical to understand that EDGE is intended for emerging Christian leaders who are committed and serious about sharpening their personal and professional edge, and for Mentors who are committed and called to investing in those leaders.
Therefore, in order to participate, EDGE Members are required to commit to an initial 12 month  term.  At the end of the initial 12 month commitment, Members can either terminate thier commitment or renew their membership for an additional 12 month period.
It takes time for a deep and meaningful connection and relationship to develop between EDGE Members and the Mentor, so it is important that both Members and Mentors are committed to the program and the model.


Q: Are all EDGE Mentees (members) committed Christians or are some still considered "seekers"?


EDGE cannot know what is in the heart of any of our individual Mentees, only they and God know the depth of their relationship and commitment to Him. What we can say is that every Mentee (member) in EDGE Mentoring must acknowledge and understand our Statement of Faith (see bottom of this page) indicating their agreement to it and that they either personally believe and try to live out what it says,or are at least willing to thoroughly and earnestly explore and evaluate it for personal belief and application.

EDGE Mentoring comes from a very clear and overt Christian/Biblical perspective.  The program is all about investing in, and building Godly leaders. In this regard, EDGE does not hold back or apologize.

However, because EVERYONE is on a spiritual journey in life, it is not a requirement for all EDGE Mentees (members) to "have it all figured out" spiritually- it is okay to still be in a mode of questioning and sorting out thier own beliefs and values. As long as each EDGE Mentee understands that the Mentor and the program is coming from a Biblical worldview- and as long as the Mentee has an "open heart" and "open spirit," it is okay for an EDGE Mentee to still be in "search" or "questioning" mode.

Q: Are all EDGE Mentors committed Christians or are some still considered "seekers"?


EDGE cannot know what is in the heart of any of our individual Mentors, only they and God know the depth of their relationship and commitment to Him.

However, EVERY EDGE Mentor is carefully interviewed, evaluated, and vetted for the depth, maturity, and commitment to thier Christian walk.

Every EDGE Mentor is required to sign our Statement of Faith(see bottom of this page) indicating their agreement to it and that they personally believe what it says.

EDGE Mentoring comes from a very clear and overt Christian/Biblical perspective. The program is all about investing in, and building Godly leaders. In this regard, EDGE does not hold back or apologize.
It is critical that in order to give and receive "Godly counsel" as part of the model, each EDGE Mentor must have the indwelling of the Holy Spirit through a personal relationship to God through Jesus Christ.


Q: What expectations are there between the Mentor(s) and Mentee(s)

 The success of EDGE Mentoring is completely dependent upon the level of commitment and dedication of the relationships between the Mentor and Mentees of each group, as well as between the Mentees.

Every EDGE Mentor is required to complete "A Mentor's Covenant."

Every EDGE Mentee is required to complete " A Mentee's Covenant."




EDGE Mentoring Statement of Faith:


  • We believe that there is one God, eternally existing in three persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
  • We believe that the Bible is God's written revelation to man, and that it is verbally inspired, authoritative and without error in the original manuscripts.
  • We believe in the deity of Jesus Christ, His virgin birth, sinless life, miracles, death on the cross to provide for our redemption, bodily resurrection, and ascension into heaven, present ministry of intercession for us, and His return to earth in power and glory.
  • We believe in the personality and deity of the Holy Spirit, that He performs the miracle of the new birth in unbelievers and indwells believers, enabling them to live godly lives.
  • We believe that man was created in the image of God, but because of sin, was alienated from God. Only through faith, trusting in Christ alone for salvation, which was made possible by His death and resurrection, can that alienation be removed.



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